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S2D pour la Santé et le Développement Durable

Ancien Centre collaborateur de l’O.M.S. (1989-2015) pour les Villes-Santé Francophones, évoluant en groupe de travail international, l’association S2D a été à l’initiative, depuis sa création sous statut associatif en 2000, de thèmes d’études et de recherche qui se sont révélés pertinents et cohérents avec les besoins exprimés par l’ensemble des acteurs et décideurs des villes et des villages, des collectivités urbaines, dans une perspective de Promotion de la Santé et de Développement Durable.







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Recently our partner, Jerry Conrad Lewis has revealed some of his own global plans alongside with a new set of social measures, designed to improve the world we live in.

Recently our partner, Jerry Conrad Lewis has revealed some of his own global plans alongside with a new set of social measures, designed to improve the world we live in.

Due to global changes our planet is experiencing, we all have surely thought about something that would complement governmental measures, so that our way of life could be improved.

Jerry C. Lewis

Our partner and good friend who is also a great scientist, has recently revealed some of his own global plans. "As you probably know, I strive for excellence in every sphere of my activity, be it science or art, and that's why I would like to present you how I see changing the future and society for the better", said Jerry C. Lewis at the Pinarini Ecologic conference in Milan, Italy.
According to his words, he extensively deals with various spheres of activity, e.g. technology, traditional art, IT, web design, business consulting etc., and this year he is going to concentrate his efforts on social development and ecological improvement of the environment we all live in.

"I hope to improve worldwide social and ecological policies of local governments that influence us as citizens", said Jerry. He also added that his upcoming innovations would help small companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop and improve their internal infrastructure.

Here's what is planned to be offered to your region during next 12 months:

  1. Greening encouragement. It means encouraging people to devote more time and efforts to make their region greener, so that it could be possible to resist the urbanization problems.
  2. Social experiments. It is a series of social measures used to control the limit of poverty and to help people in need that fill the streets of European and American towns and cities.
  3. Promoting social projects. It helps social activists and members of international organizations promote their projects as governmental acts, making them easier to implement.

Of course, these programs and services won't work without your participation. So take your chance today in changing the world around you!


+ de 35 années d’action en santé 

Au service des acteurs de l’urbanisme, de la santé et du développement durable

Notre activité repose sur des prestations d’études, de recherche, de formation, de conseil et d’animation de groupes de travail et de réseaux.

L’association est à la disposition des acteurs des villes et autres collectivités locales ainsi qu'à celle de leurs partenaires désireux d'agir localement pour la santé et le développement durable en référence à la politique de la Santé pour tous de l'OMS, de l'Agenda 21 et du mouvement Villes-Santé.

Consulter la stratégie la stratégie 2020-2030 de l'association S2D Ville Santé.



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